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It is my pleasure to welcome you to Oklahoma Christian elementary school. We seek to provide a place where children can grow spiritually, academically, and socially in a caring and challenging environment where they can feel loved and grow in confidence.

Our mission is to partner with families in educating the whole person to glorify God. We keep our mission at the heart of everything we do. We strive to develop our students spiritually through biblical integration of all academic content, Bible class, and weekly chapel services.

Parents are encouraged to be involved in their child’s education experience. There are many opportunities for parents to be involved, such as attending field trips, making cookies, and being mystery readers. We know that educating a child takes teamwork. We look forward to being able to partner with you.

We have the best teachers and staff in the world. Your child will be taught and cared for by someone who truly loves them. It is our privilege to prepare students to seek the Kingdom of God and to glorify him in all we do.

I encourage you to visit our website and become familiar with all things OCS. I look forward to working with you and your student. 

It is a blessing to serve as the elementary principal at such an outstanding school! I am excited to see how God continues to work at OCS. If I can be of any further assistance to you, please contact me through our school office, 405-341-2265.

It is great to be a Saint!

Mrs. Bettina Kates
OCS Elementary Principal

ES Principal

ES Assistant Principal


Curriculum Selection

Curriculum is designed by the OCS administration and teachers. Care is given to align with state and national standards, ensuring that OCS students acquire the content and skills essential for each grade level. State and national standards are considered the minimum of what OCS students should learn. In many cases, curriculum will be designed to exceed those standards and enrich students’ skills and content mastery. Curriculum is mapped and outlined.

Textbooks are not the curriculum, but are viewed as an important resource to meet learning objectives.Textbooks are formally reviewed on a cycle determined by the administration. Textbooks are selected by a process that is led by the principal and includes input from faculty. Upon receiving faculty input and consulting state and national curriculum standards, the principal then makes a recommendation to the headmaster, who grants final approval for textbook adoption. The use of Christian textbooks receives receive strong consideration when the content of the textbook aligns with the learning objectives of the academic program.

Curriculum Review

Curriculum is constantly under review, with careful consideration given to the mission of the school and intended learning outcomes. While the curriculum is mapped and outlined, it may be adjusted to benefit the learning needs and educational objectives of the school. Final changes to the curriculum must be approved by the principal and headmaster. Major curriculum changes are communicated to parents. Curriculum changes deemed necessary for a continued program of excellence are given priority in the annual budget.

Academic Support

Program Overview

All students admitted to OCS must meet the academic requirements for admission. However, in some cases, learning differences emerge, and students may benefit from additional academic support. For those students, OCS provides an academic support program that focuses on strategies specifically aimed at helping students become successful in the classroom. The academic support program is staffed by a teacher trained to provide the support needed to prepare students for a successful school experience.


The elementary academic support program is only available as space and resources allow.


High Expectations

Teachers must hold high expectations of students. When students recognize those expectations, they will respond by reaching upward to achieve them.

Teacher Attitude & Responsibility

Teachers who have positive attitudes possess the influence necessary to shape the attitudes of students. The teacher’s attitude is one of a facilitator of learning who encourages and believes in students, and who requires excellence in every detail.

All Children Can Learn

All children can learn no matter what labels are placed upon them, whether it is learning disabled, low socioeconomic status, unstable home life, inner-city, or rural.

Building Self-Esteem

Building self-esteem is the key to helping students believe they are capable of learning and motivating them to try.

Climate of Mutual Respect

Students are empowered to take risks necessary for growth when encompassed in a climate of mutual respect in which mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn and their ideas and efforts are appreciated. The teacher must extend the same respect to students that he/she desires to receive from them.

Teacher Knowledge & Skill

The teacher must be knowledgeable and skillful in learning theory and teaching methods that enable students to achieve academic and social success.


Lunchtime is an important time in the day of our students. It is a time for a nutritional recharge as well as a chance to connect socially with peers.

Heritage Kitchens

OCS is pleased to partner with Heritage Kitchens. To view the lunch menu and order lunches click here.


Our all day Pre-Kindergarten students eat lunch in their classroom. All Kindergarten – 5th grade students eat in our school’s cafeteria.

Joining Your Child for Lunch

Parents are welcome to join their child for lunch. Parents should check-in at our elementary office and obtain a visitor’s badge before meeting their child in the cafeteria. Parents are permitted to bring in outside food for their child. Parents are also welcome to order a tray from our Heritage Kitchens. The teacher on duty will assist you and your child with seating arrangements.

Taking Your Child Off Campus for Lunch

Occasionally, parents choose to take their child off campus for a special lunch time. Parents should check the child out through our elementary office. Please refer to the lunch and recess schedule. Every attempt should be made to have students back in class and ready to learn once the class has returned from the cafeteria and/or recess. Parents should only take their child to lunch (not their child and a friend – even with permission from the friends’ parents).

After School Care

After School Care is an after school care program for OCS students (Grades Pre-K 4 – 5th grade) whose parents’ work schedules do not allow for immediate after-school pick up. The program provides a fun, nurturing environment where students can participate in a variety of activities such as:

  • Homework
  • Arts and crafts
  • Puzzles
  • Books
  • Snacks
  • Playground time
  • Computers
  • Games


The program begins immediately after dismissal and ends at 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and is available to OCS students in Pre-K 4 through 5th grade.

Cost (2024-2025)
  • 1 Day per week                           $430 (annually, per child)
  • 2 Days per week                         $860
  • 3 Days per week                         $1,290
  • 4 Days per week                         $1,720
  • 5 Days per week                         $2,160
  • Enrollment Fee                          $50 (per family)

Continuing Enrollment

Participation in the program is reserved for enrolled OCS students whose parents have a work-related conflict that does not allow for after-school pick up. Students must be enrolled in the program to participate. Drop-ins during the school year are not permitted.

Space is limited and students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority is given to currently enrolled students.

Summer Adventure

Summer Adventure Information can be found here