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Welcome to Booster Club

As we prepare our students for the academic arena, we remain mindful that participation in co-curricular activities brings balance. Many of our programs have needs outside of the yearly budget, and the Booster Club helps fill those needs. The Booster Club supports not only athletics, but the many other activities that take place at OCS. With your membership dues, prayers, encouragement, and occasional physical labor, the needs of these different areas are met. We encourage you to become a member of Booster Club. Your membership helps our students in their physical and mental development, and also in their spiritual lives as they become future “leaders for Christ.”

For the 2023-2024 school year, our corporate, family, and individual sponsorships combined to provide over $225,000 in funding for our programs at OCS.  These funds have been used to fulfill requests from coaches, activity leaders, and the athletic director to meet needs above and beyond the athletic budget to build up our extracurricular programs.  In recent years, this includes funding for new Video Boards for football and basketball, locker rooms for football and basketball, renovation to the football field and bleachers, a new weight room, the Pixellot video system to allow for streaming activities on the field and in the gym, the NOAH basketball training system and shooting machines, new soccer and track equipment, and new instruments/equipment for band and drama.

If you are interested in joining and helping support our co-curricular programs, click here or contact Brandon Sage, Booster Club president.  Thank you to all who have faithfully given and served in the Booster Club over these many years.  We ask for your ongoing support and look forward to helping build up our programs for continued success!